Monday, 30 November 2009
Sunday, 29 November 2009
Saturday, 28 November 2009
2012 - 震撼之餘帶來深思
其實佛陀早就有說過,人類歷史發展過程中,會有大小不同的劫數,多少年會經過一小劫,多少年會經過一大劫。那麼目前人類眼前所面對的,是否就是一個超大劫數呢?這是很有可能的(但我們今天姑且不討論宗教,畢竟佛教末法的定義與唯神論的“世界末日”觀點不一,我也不是非常了解)。重點是人們似乎已逐漸習慣了眼前的都市文明的生活與腳步,而忘卻了這不過是兩次大戰後50年來的發展型態,這種資本主義物質文明生活一定就會永永遠遠的下去嗎?當然不是。眼前我們就面對了前美國副總統Al Gore所稱的「不願面對的真相」!
話又說囘2012,導演在接受記者採訪時明確表示,自己是被中國人民在去年的汶川大地震中所表現出来的勇敢和堅毅的精神所感動,才臨時修改了劇本,加入了很多中國元素,目的就是爲了向汶川精神致敬。2012是一部災難片,但也蘊含著導演想表達的主題。最近有讀到影片主演John Cusack回憶,“當看到洪水漫過喜馬拉雅山頂時,你會不自覺的思索,生命的最後關頭該怎麼辦?什麼是重要的?什麼是次要的?誰對你更重要?你要在生命餘下不多的時間裡做些什麼?2012的確打破了類型片的框架,具有開放式的結構。”
2012也通過一些片斷表達人類爲了生存而表露出來的自衛本能,而這自衛本能到了最高境界,在無可奈何之下它是可以演變成極度自私行爲的,不是嗎?最後乘船離開的人類其實都不是原本計劃好的什麽“經過精挑細選”或“有特別基因”的人類“種子”,到最後還不是政治作怪,有錢稱王,有錢萬事通!還有最先發現異常太陽耀斑(solar flare)和太陽中微子(neutrino)的印度年輕科學家,最後還不是在自己家鄉和妻子及小兒子葬身于超級大海嘯,沒機會登上大船!現實生活中還不是這樣,誰管你優秀、有道德、有崇高的價值觀,到後來現實還是要歸現實,有權、有錢、有勢力及懂得玩政治的人始終還是在操縱局勢!這是2012所要表達的人類醜惡和現實的一面,諷刺人類畢竟還是不完美的,就是因爲這不完美,幾万年來人類才有生存至今的可能,不過,或許,在不久或很久的未來,這不完美將是我們滅忙的主因,我不知道,只是純粹懷疑。
Thursday, 26 November 2009
“Practicing my smackdown for tomorrow's xxx (節日名稱)! If you smell-lalalala! What the Shuqster... is... wait a second... do i smell cow poop?”
“xxx (節日名稱) ni aku wrestling ngan lembu! Habih laaa korang kene smackdown ngan aku!”
嗯,很好的念頭和宗旨,不過我在想,要啓發愛心和鼓勵人們要犧牲自己成就別人...,難道就要用“殺”還有血淋淋的一幕來表達或表明嗎?爲什麽一定要在大庭廣衆的草場進行屠殺,讓小孩一起“觀賞”?難道不可以像平常一樣在屠場殺了之後再把肉分出去或拿去賣嗎?我絕對不是以宗教的角度來評論這件事,只是覺得這樣的屠殺動物方式還有過程實在太殘忍和“沒人道”了!而且,現在是什麽時代了,又不是什麽中古黑暗或戰亂的時代,天啊,難道非用殺來教育人家不可嗎?是什麽教育啊?難道沒有其他更好的方式來教育或鼓勵人們表達/學習愛心和犧牲的精神嗎?The list goes on...,我真的有很多不解和納悶咯。
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Some of World's Weirdest Animals
If there's a sea creature more repellent than the blobfish, it's this ghastly specimen, which even scientists have labelled the most "disgusting" fish on the planet. To escape predators, the hagfish exudes copious quantities of a viscous slime. That's the nice bit. To feed, it enters its victim through the mouth, gills or anus, and devours it from the inside out. Yep, the hagfish has absolutely no redeeming features whatsoever.
The star-nosed mole best resembles a strange sci-fi amalgamation of two different creatures. It is, for the most part, a common or garden mole, with thick, dark fur and a long thick tail. But its nose seems to belong to another animal altogether. The ring of 22 fleshy pink tentacles that wave around at the end of its snout should really be living on its own at the bottom of the sea. The tentacles may be invaluable for identifying food in murky conditions, but aesthetically speaking, only the star-nosed mole's mother could love it.
A transparent sea cucumber, identified as Enypniastes, was photographed at a depth of 2,750 meters (9,200) in the northern Gulf of Mexico. In the same spot a "wildcat" tubeworm was caught in the act of dining on crude oil. When the worm was extracted by a robot arm from the sea bed, oil gushed both from the animal's body and the hole in which it was found.
The blobfish looks likes something out of a cartoon. Or it would, if there was a cartoon about the unfortunate adventures of the grumpiest, ugliest fish on earth. Don't blame the blobfish, though. To survive the intense pressure at depths of 1,000m and more, its body is largely made up of a jelly-like substance slightly less dense than water. The jelly allows it to float just above the sea floor without having to expend energy on swimming. So lazy as well as ugly, then.
The axolotl is a Mexican mole salamander, about 15-45cm in length, and one of the cleverest critters you're ever likely to meet. If the axolotl loses a limb, it will grow another. If it loses a certain part of its brain, it will grow that back as well. Tests have shown that it will happily accept transplants from other axolotls, including eyes and portions of brain, and rewire them to work perfectly. Because of these amazing powers of regeneration, some axolotls swim about with several more limbs than are strictly necessary.
Another of the bizarre creatures encountered by the researchers was a six foot long cirrate octopod, nicknamed "Dumbo" because of the large ear-like fins it uses to swim. It was found more than a mile deep on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
If there's a sea creature more repellent than the blobfish, it's this ghastly specimen, which even scientists have labelled the most "disgusting" fish on the planet. To escape predators, the hagfish exudes copious quantities of a viscous slime. That's the nice bit. To feed, it enters its victim through the mouth, gills or anus, and devours it from the inside out. Yep, the hagfish has absolutely no redeeming features whatsoever.
The star-nosed mole best resembles a strange sci-fi amalgamation of two different creatures. It is, for the most part, a common or garden mole, with thick, dark fur and a long thick tail. But its nose seems to belong to another animal altogether. The ring of 22 fleshy pink tentacles that wave around at the end of its snout should really be living on its own at the bottom of the sea. The tentacles may be invaluable for identifying food in murky conditions, but aesthetically speaking, only the star-nosed mole's mother could love it.
A transparent sea cucumber, identified as Enypniastes, was photographed at a depth of 2,750 meters (9,200) in the northern Gulf of Mexico. In the same spot a "wildcat" tubeworm was caught in the act of dining on crude oil. When the worm was extracted by a robot arm from the sea bed, oil gushed both from the animal's body and the hole in which it was found.
The blobfish looks likes something out of a cartoon. Or it would, if there was a cartoon about the unfortunate adventures of the grumpiest, ugliest fish on earth. Don't blame the blobfish, though. To survive the intense pressure at depths of 1,000m and more, its body is largely made up of a jelly-like substance slightly less dense than water. The jelly allows it to float just above the sea floor without having to expend energy on swimming. So lazy as well as ugly, then.
The axolotl is a Mexican mole salamander, about 15-45cm in length, and one of the cleverest critters you're ever likely to meet. If the axolotl loses a limb, it will grow another. If it loses a certain part of its brain, it will grow that back as well. Tests have shown that it will happily accept transplants from other axolotls, including eyes and portions of brain, and rewire them to work perfectly. Because of these amazing powers of regeneration, some axolotls swim about with several more limbs than are strictly necessary.
Another of the bizarre creatures encountered by the researchers was a six foot long cirrate octopod, nicknamed "Dumbo" because of the large ear-like fins it uses to swim. It was found more than a mile deep on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
Monday, 23 November 2009
本地沒有知名的科學家,或會研發產品的華教子弟?可能吧,因爲大多數都跑到外國去了,臺灣和美國有幾個鼎鼎有名的外科專家都是大馬華人,而且都是華校生,丹斯里,你知道嗎?世界上很多個諾貝爾獎得主也是受中文教育系統的中國人,難道這也是copy cat? 還有,難道教育的成功與否只能夠以生産多少個科學家為標準或來衡量嗎?你這個臭博士也是否太笨了吧?難道本地大學由你這樣的人來當教授,才又今天排名谷底的結果把...
獨家報導:高嘉琪 (中國報)
(吉隆坡23日訊)歷史學家丹斯里邱家金指出,華小只會栽培“抄襲人才”(copy cat),因此,政府向華小的數理科教學方式“取經”前,應三思而后行。
找一个你爱聊的人结婚 , 因为当年龄大了以后,你会发觉喜欢聊天是一个人最大的优点。
Thursday, 19 November 2009
"High-income" Economy
News excerpt from Bernama recently:
BUDGET: Malaysia To Drive Towards High-Income Economy
KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 23 (Bernama) -- Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has laid down a firm foundation to drive the nation towards embracing a high-income economy in the 2010 budget through bold proposals to raise private equity, invigorating the stock market, further developing Islamic finance while emphasising on micro-credit programmes...
Come on lah, we DON'T WAN'T high-income economy..., read my lips, we DON'T WAN'T "high-income economy"! That's plain stupid or ignorant! Who ever came up with this idea is either a moron, has no economy sense or maybe just try to mislead the public.
We are OK with the same amount of money we are earning now. We are OK with middle-income economy. The key to survive with the current amount of money is to drive down inflation, strengthen the Ringgit against other major currencies and perhaps consider to re-value the Ringgit to spur exports and trade. More effort should also be put in to reduce national deficit instead of lavish/unnecessary spending in the name of stimulating the economy/business (but only to end up a fake feel-good economy).
What's the purpose of high-income when things are getting more and more expensive each day? We may have earn RM50,000 a month one day (under our PM's high-income initiative), but by then a piece of roti canai may costs us RM200, a glass of teh tarik RM250, a meal of mixed rice (chap fan) RM700, to watch a movie RM1,200, a Proton car RM2,000,000.....and the list goes on. If the current inflation trend were to continue, the so-called high-income economy WILL NOT HELP at all! Don't fool us ok, we are NOT stupid!!! Singapopre, New Zealand, Switzerland, Norway, etc. do not have to become high-income economy. Their purchasing power is so much stronger than ours because their currencies are stronger and the inflation are also lower. Dollar-to-dollar, they can buy more things with their money as compared to our useless Ringgit.
Perhaps the policy makers in this country are looking up to a screwed up country such as Indonesia as their role model. People there earn SO MUCH MORE (very "high income") than in Malaysia, but their money has virtually no value at all. Or even better, perhaps we look up to another great country such as Zimbabwee which is also considered "high-income economy". People there will go around carrying their money in bulk, in a big bag, just to buy some groceries or eat a simple meal outside (See pictures below). Their money is so useless and no value. What's the point of high-income then???
Oh yes, paramount to all the above, I think the main problem is CORRUPTION. It is the mother of all problem in this country. Please stop CORRUPTION and kill all those cronie and power abusers. We don't need high-income economy!! We are NOT stupid!! Or maybe, you're so STUPID afterall!!
BUDGET: Malaysia To Drive Towards High-Income Economy
KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 23 (Bernama) -- Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has laid down a firm foundation to drive the nation towards embracing a high-income economy in the 2010 budget through bold proposals to raise private equity, invigorating the stock market, further developing Islamic finance while emphasising on micro-credit programmes...
Come on lah, we DON'T WAN'T high-income economy..., read my lips, we DON'T WAN'T "high-income economy"! That's plain stupid or ignorant! Who ever came up with this idea is either a moron, has no economy sense or maybe just try to mislead the public.
We are OK with the same amount of money we are earning now. We are OK with middle-income economy. The key to survive with the current amount of money is to drive down inflation, strengthen the Ringgit against other major currencies and perhaps consider to re-value the Ringgit to spur exports and trade. More effort should also be put in to reduce national deficit instead of lavish/unnecessary spending in the name of stimulating the economy/business (but only to end up a fake feel-good economy).
What's the purpose of high-income when things are getting more and more expensive each day? We may have earn RM50,000 a month one day (under our PM's high-income initiative), but by then a piece of roti canai may costs us RM200, a glass of teh tarik RM250, a meal of mixed rice (chap fan) RM700, to watch a movie RM1,200, a Proton car RM2,000,000.....and the list goes on. If the current inflation trend were to continue, the so-called high-income economy WILL NOT HELP at all! Don't fool us ok, we are NOT stupid!!! Singapopre, New Zealand, Switzerland, Norway, etc. do not have to become high-income economy. Their purchasing power is so much stronger than ours because their currencies are stronger and the inflation are also lower. Dollar-to-dollar, they can buy more things with their money as compared to our useless Ringgit.
Perhaps the policy makers in this country are looking up to a screwed up country such as Indonesia as their role model. People there earn SO MUCH MORE (very "high income") than in Malaysia, but their money has virtually no value at all. Or even better, perhaps we look up to another great country such as Zimbabwee which is also considered "high-income economy". People there will go around carrying their money in bulk, in a big bag, just to buy some groceries or eat a simple meal outside (See pictures below). Their money is so useless and no value. What's the point of high-income then???
Oh yes, paramount to all the above, I think the main problem is CORRUPTION. It is the mother of all problem in this country. Please stop CORRUPTION and kill all those cronie and power abusers. We don't need high-income economy!! We are NOT stupid!! Or maybe, you're so STUPID afterall!!
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Monday, 9 November 2009
人,在尋尋覓覓和誤打誤闖的旅途中,難免有得有失,得到了固然是好事,但失去也未必是壞事,因爲這純粹是看你個人面對失去的態度,或許這也是“修行”的一種吧。我常提醒自己(雖然還做不到),對於生命裏的偶爾“失去”,千萬不要混亂失望,塞翁失馬,危機中往往會有轉機;一路上行走不要太執著,隨順因緣最好,要衡量自己的能力,還要看環境、時機、就是天時地利人和等條件行事,不過,這並非代表對生活或修行的懈怠或“找藉口”,還是對一切的障礙認命,反而應該説這是積極的和正面的,讓我們更有心理準備和信心面對不順利的業障,不會因爲失去或跌到而痛苦(其煩惱),還是因爲比別人慢、窮、白癡、笨、丑等等而覺得自卑,總之,時時要保持一顆不受外在因素影響的心(守之不動,億百千劫), 當然也不要忘記,真正的“修行”其實就是在生活裡,在心裏,即在表面功夫以外的縱深和廣度裡。
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
TOTAL BAN on plastic bags?
Logically, economically, technologically and technically not feasible, for now!
I came across a Group who called themselves "We Are 1,000,000 Malaysians That Support The BAN of Plastic Bag!" in a famous social website today. As I'm writing here, there are already well over 400 "fans" in the group.
BAN the use of plastic bag? Well, it may sound noble at first glance and in reality it is totally ilogical and to certain extent MORALLY WRONG! SOME of the so called "fans" or people who joined the group there are getting too emotional and I can't help but laugh at some of their comments posted there.
To advocate for zero usage of plastic bags is practically impossible in the first place considering some health, security, marketing and industry factors. Take for example, we still need plastic wrappers in some medical research and food industries in order to ensure contamination-free, freshness, etc. (in conjunction with the use of vacumn packed technique, pasteurisation, etc.). Then we have customs and immigration clearance procedures where some goods are required to be wrapped in plastics for checking purposes, etc. due to the fact that plastics are transparent (i.e. to curb the trafficking of drugs, fire arms, etc.). The examples are countless actually and my point is we are living at an age where we cannot totally abstain ourselves from using plastic wrappers, whether we like it or not.
Then, the call for an instant and total BAN is even more ridiculous! These people are actually urging the authorities to TOTALLY BAN the production and usage of plastic bags simply because they're NAIVE or being TOO EMOTIONAL. Do they know that how many people are actually working in the plastic bags industry, both upstream and downstream? Do they know that how many livelihood will be affected should we call for an IMMEDIATE BAN? Do they know that how the country's economy will be affected if such ban is carried out IMMEDIATELY? Perhaps these people are shouting so emotionally and acting like a noble person because none of them or their families are working in the industry. All they know is just to follow blindly the current trend of advocating the various so-called environmental friendly campaign. To me, these are merely slogans only good for shouting and to show-off to people. To me, these are all merely advocates theory / concept that has no practical values. Some of the NGOs worldwide are only harping on these so-called "Go Green" campaign for their own and other hidden agendas.
Countries in the region like Singapore, Hong Kong and those in the northern hemisphere like UK, Germany, Sweeden, etc. DO NOT ban the usage of plastic bags. Instead, they DISCOURAGE, NOT BAN. Look, discourage is different from BAN. They discourage people from using plastic bags by charging them for each use. Countries like UK and Germany have been advocating environmental friendly effort over the last few decades, and they are still taking gradual steps in reducing the use of plastic bags. Apart from charging the use of plastic bags, they are also taking measures to help the plastic industry players to gradually convert their technology in the bio-degradable plastics, or help them to phase out slowly.
On another note, I'm also NOT satisfied with the effort taken by our Government in tackling the usage of plastic bags. They should start do something now, and gradually, and NOT doing almost nothing practical like what is happening now. Change should take place gradually and certainly overnight. I'm in support of REDUCING the usage of plastic bags gradually, and perhaps eventually "total ban" in many years to come (until such a time that we are technologicaly capable of using other material as substitute, and economically feasible).
Well, having written to much, I'm now beginning to doubt whether how many of those "fans" who signed up that Group ACTUALLY DO NOT USE PAPER BAGS AT ALL, I MEAN 100%! I would like to challenge them if they can ever give up the usage of plastic bags, having NOTHING to do with these evil plastics at all from now on. If their answer is a SOLID YES, then perhaps they are qualified to advocate such 100% and TOTAL BAN.
Please DO NOT misunderstand me as someone who's not supporting the protect-the-environment effort. Well, on the other hand, I dare not claim that I'm already practicing the good habit in its entirety, although I've always tried my best to do so whenever and wherever possible. I'm not at my best yet, but at least I tried, and definitely pledge to do better always. Take for example, I always make a point that I carry my own bag to a supermarket whenever I shop. In cases when I forgot, I will humbly decline accepting the plastic bags at the counter, albeit having to carry those goods using my bare hands and look like an idiot!
Well, I think everyone of us should start in a small way first, and from within OURSELF of course. There's no point being emotional or trying to align ourselves to some fancy slogans in order to appear and feel good. If we can't even internalise the concept in our daily lives, even in small way, then a slogan is still a slogan - it won't make a difference.
Finally, for those who still want to press ahead to call for a TOTAL BAN IMMEDIATELY, please get your facts right, have conscience, and start thinking and acting using your WISDOM instead of your emotion.
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