Logically, economically, technologically and technically not feasible, for now!I came across a Group who called themselves "We Are 1,000,000 Malaysians That Support The BAN of Plastic Bag!" in a famous social website today. As I'm writing here, there are already well over 400 "fans" in the group.
BAN the use of plastic bag? Well, it may sound noble at first glance and in reality it is totally ilogical and to certain extent MORALLY WRONG! SOME of the so called "fans" or people who joined the group there are getting too emotional and I can't help but laugh at some of their comments posted there.
To advocate for zero usage of plastic bags is practically impossible in the first place considering some health, security, marketing and industry factors. Take for example, we still need plastic wrappers in some medical research and food industries in order to ensure contamination-free, freshness, etc. (in conjunction with the use of vacumn packed technique, pasteurisation, etc.). Then we have customs and immigration clearance procedures where some goods are required to be wrapped in plastics for checking purposes, etc. due to the fact that plastics are transparent (i.e. to curb the trafficking of drugs, fire arms, etc.). The examples are countless actually and my point is we are living at an age where we cannot totally abstain ourselves from using plastic wrappers, whether we like it or not.
Then, the call for an instant and total BAN is even more ridiculous! These people are actually urging the authorities to TOTALLY BAN the production and usage of plastic bags simply because they're NAIVE or being TOO EMOTIONAL. Do they know that how many people are actually working in the plastic bags industry, both upstream and downstream? Do they know that how many livelihood will be affected should we call for an IMMEDIATE BAN? Do they know that how the country's economy will be affected if such ban is carried out IMMEDIATELY? Perhaps these people are shouting so emotionally and acting like a noble person because none of them or their families are working in the industry. All they know is just to follow blindly the current trend of advocating the various so-called environmental friendly campaign. To me, these are merely slogans only good for shouting and to show-off to people. To me, these are all merely advocates theory / concept that has no practical values. Some of the NGOs worldwide are only harping on these so-called "Go Green" campaign for their own and other hidden agendas.
Countries in the region like Singapore, Hong Kong and those in the northern hemisphere like UK, Germany, Sweeden, etc. DO NOT ban the usage of plastic bags. Instead, they DISCOURAGE, NOT BAN. Look, discourage is different from BAN. They discourage people from using plastic bags by charging them for each use. Countries like UK and Germany have been advocating environmental friendly effort over the last few decades, and they are still taking gradual steps in reducing the use of plastic bags. Apart from charging the use of plastic bags, they are also taking measures to help the plastic industry players to gradually convert their technology in the bio-degradable plastics, or help them to phase out slowly.
On another note, I'm also NOT satisfied with the effort taken by our Government in tackling the usage of plastic bags. They should start do something now, and gradually, and NOT doing almost nothing practical like what is happening now. Change should take place gradually and certainly overnight. I'm in support of REDUCING the usage of plastic bags gradually, and perhaps eventually "total ban" in many years to come (until such a time that we are technologicaly capable of using other material as substitute, and economically feasible).
Well, having written to much, I'm now beginning to doubt whether how many of those "fans" who signed up that Group
ACTUALLY DO NOT USE PAPER BAGS AT ALL, I MEAN 100%! I would like to challenge them if they can ever give up the usage of plastic bags, having NOTHING to do with these evil plastics at all from now on. If their answer is a SOLID YES, then perhaps they are qualified to advocate such 100% and TOTAL BAN.
Please DO NOT misunderstand me as someone who's not supporting the protect-the-environment effort. Well, on the other hand, I dare not claim that I'm already practicing the good habit in its entirety, although
I've always tried my best to do so whenever and wherever possible. I'm not at my best yet, but at least I tried, and definitely pledge to do better always. Take for example, I always make a point that I carry my own bag to a supermarket whenever I shop. In cases when I forgot, I will humbly decline accepting the plastic bags at the counter, albeit having to carry those goods using my bare hands and look like an idiot!
Well, I think everyone of us should start in a small way first, and from within OURSELF of course. There's no point being emotional or trying to align ourselves to some fancy slogans in order to appear and feel good. If we can't even internalise the concept in our daily lives, even in small way, then a slogan is still a slogan - it won't make a difference.
Finally, for those who still want to press ahead to call for a TOTAL BAN IMMEDIATELY, please get your facts right, have conscience, and start thinking and acting using your WISDOM instead of your emotion.