Monday, 26 October 2009
Thursday, 15 October 2009

Rhonda Byrne的《The Secret 秘密》這本書,暢銷全球,還在大熱賣中,整個重點就是「吸引法則」的觀念;我的馬來人同事、還有一些受英文教育及基督徒的朋友都大讚這本書有多好、多poweful,哪天在閒聊時還說這本書其實就是與神論有關,與他們的宗教教義非常符合,並說這秘密所採取的創造過程,其實源自《新約聖經》─ 是個簡易的指導方針,讓信者以三個簡單的步驟(要求、相信、接受),創造他所想要的事物。
後記:無論如何,我還是很喜歡《The Secret 秘密》這本書,強力推介! :D
Sunday, 11 October 2009

我們時常在講苦樂,其實它們是一樣的道理,是人生最根本的問題,不管我們相信它是否存在。人生究竟在追求什麼呢?很多人都會說在追求健康、財富、平安等,但是這些都含有快樂的元素!但是,講真的,如果我們的快樂裡面有一種不安,有一種不滿,那我們就不能說那是極樂(ultimate joy)。真正的快樂,一定要內心有一種很平靜的成分,少了這個寂靜,就不能叫真樂,也稱不上極樂。一般人都認爲人生就是在追求快樂、追求幸福,是不是?但是只要這個幸福快樂裡面帶有不安,就不能說是很快樂,因為那裡面帶有騷動和不安。如果我們真的在追求大我,或者追求無我,自然就不會人我比較。如果還有人我相,如果我們還在看別人比我不修行、別人比我有修行,我們就不是真的在追求大我,或者追求無我。
Saturday, 10 October 2009


最後,我吃最多,吃了兩碗半的飯(有半碗是她給的)!剩下的骨頭一大堆(不好意思 :P)...



最後,我吃最多,吃了兩碗半的飯(有半碗是她給的)!剩下的骨頭一大堆(不好意思 :P)...
Friday, 9 October 2009
EGM, Don't Bother at All...
Wonder why people keep asking my opinion on who will "win" in today's MCA EGM. Seriouly speaking, I'm not at all bothered or interested at all - whether who win or lose. Politics in Malaysia sucks, anyway!
Furthermore to me, the party, which is supposedly representing the Chinese community in the country, has failed miserably after 60 years in existence. They no longer have the original spirit and sincerity of their founding fathers. They are now totally irrelevant to the Chinese in Malaysia.
Perhaps, like most right minded Chinese feel, the party should just dissolve itself and all its present and past corrupt leaders publicly apologise to the Chinese Malaysians for all the harm they have brought upon them.
Their political influence today is nada; they dare not speak or act on behalf of the community; they only know how to "kow-tow" (nod their heads) to their "Masters" in the Coalition. And for so long, they are fighting amongst themselves to continue to enrich themselves at the great expense of the ordinary Chinese Malaysians, like you and me.
Therefore, in today's EGM, either A or B wins, we, the ordinary Chinese Malaysians LOSE. Sigh...
Furthermore to me, the party, which is supposedly representing the Chinese community in the country, has failed miserably after 60 years in existence. They no longer have the original spirit and sincerity of their founding fathers. They are now totally irrelevant to the Chinese in Malaysia.
Perhaps, like most right minded Chinese feel, the party should just dissolve itself and all its present and past corrupt leaders publicly apologise to the Chinese Malaysians for all the harm they have brought upon them.
Their political influence today is nada; they dare not speak or act on behalf of the community; they only know how to "kow-tow" (nod their heads) to their "Masters" in the Coalition. And for so long, they are fighting amongst themselves to continue to enrich themselves at the great expense of the ordinary Chinese Malaysians, like you and me.
Therefore, in today's EGM, either A or B wins, we, the ordinary Chinese Malaysians LOSE. Sigh...
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
Of Ayam and Migrants

In the news today:
News #1
Malaysia allows unskilled, semiskilled migrants
KUALA LUMPUR: Unlike many countries that favour only skilled migrants and put up barriers against unskilled workers, it is a different picture in Malaysia.
The Malaysian Government allows unskilled and semiskilled migrants to work in the country, most of whom are in the construction, plantation and service sectors, as well as domestic care, said United Nations (UN) Resident Coordinator for Malaysia Kamal Malhotra.
My comments
Yeah, very good move by our Boleh government!! Nor wonder everything in our country is getting worst: robbery, snatch thief, break-ins, murder, rape, drugs abuse, gang fight, inflation, jobless, disease, abuse of free public facilities like education/schools and medical/hospitals services (all paid by Malaysian but enjoyed freely by these foreigners), squatters many more social and economy problem! Good job our government. Let the country continue to rot and rot and rot!!!
News #2
Uzbeks earning RM100,000 monthly as prostitutes
KUALA LUMPUR: Women from other countries are making big bucks in the prostitution trade here but the cops are keeping track of them.
Criminal Investiga-tions Department Director Comm Datuk Seri Mohd Bakri Zinin said police considered the fight against prostitution a serious matter and would never let up in their effort to eradicate it.
An article in Utusan Malaysia yesterday reported that Uzbekis-tan women involved in the flesh trade were earning between RM1,000 to RM1,500 per session.
The women who enter the country on student and tourist visas are said to earn an estimated RM100,000 a month by entertaining at least five clients a day and work five days a week.
My comments
Yet again another bias report by our local media! Bravo! Please don't simply blame the prostitutes, the ayam of Uzbeks or Chinese origins. More often than not, these newspapers always try to paint a bad picture on nationals of certain countries (like China) and therefore also the Chinese in this country. They try to portray all Uzbeks and Chinese as ayam. Chinese = Ayam, good for nothing. Chinese come to Malaysia = jadi Ayam. All Chinese cannot be trusted because Chinese = Ayam. Chinese students =Ayam. Ayam Ayam Ayam. The other races in these country now look at Chinese = cheap = sex = ayam.
Come on lah, why always ONLY target the ayam? Some people think that females from certain countries like to become ayam and ENJOY to be ayam. Who on earth with the right frame of mind want to be ayam and ENJOY to be one?? I believe most of these poor soul become ayam because of CIRCUMSTANCES. Some are forced to be one because of extreme poverty, some are stupid, while a lot of them are cheated and conned/forced to be AYAM.
Let me pose you a question, all you stupid local media. Why almost 99% of the news you published only highlight the police raid on the ayam only??? Obviously, you're trying very hard to put the blame solely on the ayam (especially those from China, not Hainanese Nasi Ayam of course), with certain hidden agenda.
BUT WHAT ABOUT THE PEOPLE BEHIND IT? THE CUSTOMERS, THEIR BOSS, THE PIMP, THE GANG/RING BEHIND IT, THE DATUK DATUK AND POLITICAL FIGURES (WHO ARE ALL BOSSESS OF THESE AYAM COMPANY)...ETC. Why are they not arrested??? You choose NOT to highlight and put all the blame on the ayam! What a shame and BODOH all these government controlled media/newspapers!!! That's the reason why nowadays most right minded people refuse to read local newspapers. We are fed up!
Thursday, 1 October 2009
The Day The Earth Gets Very Angry

雖然今日我們處在科技的時代裏,人類物質文明高速發展、科技騰飛、工業發達、教育普及,而且人類不斷向更高品質的生活努力邁進; 然而望眼所見、所聞, 天災頻頻不斷、道德日日頹廢、人心不安苦痛,種種不祥之氣乃瀰漫世間; 我們欲求福反得禍, 欲避苦卻為苦所逼, 社會危難已至千鈞一髮之際,人類到底出了什麼問題?
參考英國歷史學家Paul Johnson在他那本知名的專著Modern Times一書中,對此進行了總結。他以基督教的觀點指出,主要原因是人類在20世紀遠離了上帝,喪失了信仰,沒有了精神導引。和上帝之間的纜繩被砍斷之後,人類之船,就漂浮在迷茫的大海,於是列寧、斯大林、希特勒、波爾布特、薩達姆們等各類狂熱者(zealot),成了各種「偉大舵手」,把人類之船,開向了革命、屠殺、浩劫和無邊的苦難……(資料來源:擁抱災難的20世紀/曹長青)
展望未來,英國宇宙學家Martin Lee在他出版的新書《最後的世紀》中預言,地球在未來200年內將面臨十大迫在眉睫的災難,人類能夠倖免的機會只有50%,這些災難包括:一、粒子實驗可以吞噬地球,二、機器人接管世界,三、納米機器人,四、生化武器的危害離人類並不遙遠,五、超級火山爆發,六、地震引發世界經濟危機,七、小行星撞毀地球概率大過彩票中大獎,八、熱死地球溫室效應日益明顯,九、戰爭和核武器,除了以上九種人類可能面臨的威脅外,科學家將最後一種威脅歸之於大自然的不可抗力。
博地凡夫的我們該如何轉變厄運、開創真實幸福之路呢? 曾看過近代印光大師懇切地告知我們: 「現在世界之劫運, 吾人所受種種災難, 皆是過去惡業所招, 以致感受現在苦果。 故知此惡業者, 即過去惡因之所造成也。 欲免苦果, 須去苦因。 過去已種之苦因, 念佛懺悔, 乃能消去。 現在如不再種苦因, 將來即能免受苦果。 何謂苦因, 貪瞋癡三毒是也。 何謂善因, 濟物利人是也。 若人人明達因果之理, 則諸惡莫作, 眾善奉行, 災害自無從起矣。 唯今人不明因果之理, 私欲填胸, 無惡不作, 祇知自己, 不知有人。 詎知利人即是利己, 害人甚於害己。」
人生短暫, 世間無常, 趁此身體尚健在時, 應及時用此身勤修福慧, 慎勿放逸造諸惡業!還有,我也沒有忘了「克己復禮,民德歸厚」的新生活運動(雖然我承認我做得很爛:P),期待人人為自我的生活、行動做檢測,降低欲求、力行節約,盡量減少地球的負擔,保護地球,人人有責,盼共勉之!
此外,健康的身體真的很重要,必須有足夠的睡眠,所以,我要睡覺去啦!晚安~ ^^
Earth Song - by Michael Jackson
What about sunrise
What about rain
What about all the things
That you said we were to gain.. .
What about killing fields
Is there a time
What about all the things
That you said was yours and mine...
Did you ever stop to notice
All the blood we've shed before
Did you ever stop to notice
The crying Earth the weeping shores?
Aaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaah
What have we done to the world
Look what we've done
What about all the peace
That you pledge your only son...
What about flowering fields
Is there a time
What about all the dreams
That you said was yours and mine...
Did you ever stop to notice
All the children dead from war
Did you ever stop to notice
The crying Earth the weeping shores
Aaaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaaah
I used to dream
I used to glance beyond the stars
Now I don't know where we are
Although I know we've drifted far
Aaaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaaaah
Aaaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaaaah
Hey, what about yesterday
(What about us)
What about the seas
(What about us)
The heavens are falling down
(What about us)
I can't even breathe
(What about us)
What about the bleeding Earth
(What about us)
Can't we feel its wounds
(What about us)
What about nature's worth
It's our planet's womb
(What about us)
What about animals
(What about it)
We've turned kingdoms to dust
(What about us)
What about elephants
(What about us)
Have we lost their trust
(What about us)
What about crying whales
(What about us)
We're ravaging the seas
(What about us)
What about forest trails
(ooo, ooo)
Burnt despite our pleas
(What about us)
What about the holy land
(What about it)
Torn apart by creed
(What about us)
What about the common man
(What about us)
Can't we set him free
(What about us)
What about children dying
(What about us)
Can't you hear them cry
(What about us)
Where did we go wrong
(ooo, ooo)
Someone tell me why
(What about us)
What about babies
(What about it)
What about the days
(What about us)
What about all their joy
(What about us)
What about the man
(What about us)
What about the crying man
(What about us)
What about Abraham
(What was us)
What about death again
(ooo, ooo)
Do we give a damn
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