I offer no excuses, for we all know that Buddhists believe what goes around comes around, and our destiny lies beneath our feet. I'm not perfect, but I've put in my best effort. I'm not always right, but I swear the intention to get it right has always been there. I am only human, and human do make mistake, but I'm not using this as an excuse.
We learn and pick up a little lesson here and there as we travel, and I admit I've learned the hard way this time. It has been a very very painful period/experience for me, and I know I've equally caused as much pain to you. For this, I must apologise to you with all utmost sincerity(sorry).
I'm slowly picking up the pieces of my life lately but I know it's already way too late to turn back the clock now. There are things that will remain unexplained forever. No amount of effort can change the world anymore. Things can never be the same again as the world around me has turned upside down since then. Looking back and regret will only re-open the wound in my heart and starting to bleed again. I also don't possess the power to change one's perception for I believe it has been fixed and carved to the stone for eternity. I just have to accept the reality.
Moving forward, I can only pray and wish that time will heal... . And on my part, I shall strive to do better and fill in the gaps whenever possible for the remaining of my life journey. You shall always be in my prayers~