(I was resting at my compound 2 nights ago when I spotted Rudolf, the old wise Yorkshire terrier, starring at the sky, as if he was in deep thoughts... . I guess he has come to realise that he must think beyond just food..., there're more than just food in life... . Anyway, his only "deep thoughts" he has prior to this, all his life, was food, food and food...)
I once wished on a star,
A star so bright,
So clear,
So special to me
That I thought my wish would come true
I put all my life,
All my hopes,
And wishes on that star
And the star just blinked at me,
smile and just walked away carrying my life, hopes and wishes on its back
Days, months, YEARS
went by fastly
And the promise that I made with that star
Still hasn’t return
and solve my miseries
All my wishes stay puzzle
and all my life, hopes and wishes
Slowly fades away, as I slowly pass away…
…I wished upon a non-living star…
(A poem by Chaotic Life aka Curly Mer)
your dog?
Err...he stays in our house, actual owner is my friend lah, but I oso like co-own him lor... ^^
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