As a teenager, I remember he captured the headlines almost every week and every month in the 80's. He sang, danced and entertained and captured everyone's heart during that era. His MTV mesmerised poeple of all ages and background, from little children to teenagers to grandparents, and from the American continent to Africa, Europe, Asia and the rest. An entire generation of teenangers like me grew up with his great tunes and dance moves, and it would be almost impossible for anyone who didn't know him at all.
Two decades earlier, his name captured the headlines again, but this time for some very wrong reasons. From his infamous cosmetic surgery and ever changing appearances, to his eccentric behavior which led to child sexual scandal and etc., he generated significant controversy which ultimately damaged his public image and crippled him financially.
Since then, he stayed low and was quiet for a while. But, yesterday, his name captured the headlines of all medium worldwide again. He is dead, Michael Joseph Jackson is dead, for real. The King of Pop is gone, forever!
Everyone was sad, upset and some even cried hysterically. I switched on the radio, and almost all stations played his songs, some even have special programme specially dedicated to him. Almost everyone called in to the station expressed their "sadness" and mentionned how they they "missed" their favourite idol. Even the radio deejay who sometimes critised and made joke about the King was heard saying about how "lost" he felt now. News report about him, whether printed or electronic or internet, appeared so positive and kind towards the King now. They even highlighted about how the King donated and raised millions of dollars for beneficial causes through his foundations, charity singles, and support of 39 charities. Any "negative" reports about his life, if any, were reported in an entirely diferent tone and manner now. Suddenly, everyone appeared to be so kind and forgiving towards him, after his death!
But why only now? Huh?
How sarcastic and realistic we human can be.
For more than 10 to 15 years, I've been hearing people bad mouthed and made silly / sickening jokes about him. The media were kind to him neither throughout this entire period. Every single piece of news and report about him was laced with sarcasm and ill intention. Everyone was making fun about him and even "looked down" on him for what he has done. He seemed to be heading for doom, for sure.
But now, why suddenly people forget about all these? Why suddenly people do not talk about his child sexual abuse anymore? What about his plastic nose and face, and bleached skin? Why suddenly become so forgetfull and forgiving? Huh?
My point is, we are all hypocrite and so fake, deep inside. Just admit it, at least I am. We can behave and talk in one way yesterday, but the other the next day. We talked about principle and moral value all the time, but do we have one? Of course, the media are behaving that way because of commercial reasons, they report what the consumers want to see/hear. But then the journalists, deejay, newscasters, editors, etc. are all humans like you and me too, often biased and FORGETFUL.
Also, why cry hysterically? Would you cry in such a manner too IF your loved ones pass away? I've seen people cried when Princess Diana passed away but not so when their parents passed away. Michale Jackson and Princess Diana are not your relatives or family members, and they are not even remotely connected to most of us.
Back to the issue of forgetful. Please treasure someone you love, respect, like, fond of, etc. when he's still alive or around. Show your true feelings for him. Shower him with good words and love whenever you can. Pardon him for the "wrong" doings as he might not be doing it intentionally. Look at the good things and values in him, and put less focus on his negative aspect. Please don't behave in a bitchy manner when he's still around BUT go up stage an talk good things about him when he's no longer in this world. It will be too late then. No point regretting when he's gone. Think about it.
As for Michale Jackson, you'll always be in my memory. Long live the King!