The Manchester United craze and fever suddenly shot up in temperature over the last few days. Yes, the flamboyant and glamorous team swipped across the country like a hurricane. From their arrival to the field and their departure, they're acting like divas and superstars rather than true/real sportsmen in its original spirit. People are shouting and cheering hysterically. Hardcore fans queued overnight just to get their tickets which are not cheap at all. Some even flew in from neighbouring countries just to get a glimpse of their idols. People jammed the malls and hotel to get thier autograph signed. Young girls and boys, uncles and aunties, professionals, engineers, accountants, students, mat rempits, ah bengs, ah lians, etc. are some of these "hardcore fans" whom I'm talking about.
I can't blame these players as almost all of them are multi millionaires. Their salary in a month is equivalent to what most of us earn in a lifetime. They play golf, drink, eat, play and enjoy a luxury lifestyle when they're off the field. They live in big houses and drive sexy and beautiful sportscars. The true meaning and values of sports like in the good old days no longer hold, or should I say, has been conveniently forgotten.
People are idolising the players as if they are gods. Look at the so called supporters and "fan" of Manchester United, Liverpool, Arsenal, or whatever, I would say none of them understand sports, let alone how to kick a ball!
The girls are supporting the players not because of the game / skill / etc. itself, but because of this thing called "hormonal reaction" in their bodies that attracts to hunky / handsome looking guys! Those girls, well, I would say most, know NOTHING about fooltball. To them, the players are merely "sex objects" that can be used to enhance their fantasy, that's all. Rude revelation, but that's the fact, admit it.
As for male supporters (some of them even look sissy and feminine), well, it's mainly because following the trend because it looks "macho" and "in" if you know "how to speak foodball". The true fact is most of these male fans (especially the younger generation) have not even kick a REAL football before in a REAL football field for a full 90 minutes! Looks at their skinny / flabby and fair coloured legs and you'll know what I mean! The thing that shock me even more is some of these male supporters actually idolise those good looking players...oh my!!
Sports are supposed to make us healthy - both mentally and physically. Sports are also supposed to teach us about values like teamwork, disciplin, honour, loyalty, determination, etc. When we actually play sports and involved ourselves in comptetitive sports like football, we actually learn those values I just mentioned. You won't learn all these by just glueing yourself to the TV set, or shouting at the mamak stall or stadium. Nor wonder the standard of our country's football is so disappointing over the last many years as nobody is serious about the sports anymore.
Football competition and all the major leagues nowadays are not sports anymore, no longer! They are just commercially arranged games or acting aimed at creating excitement to the unsuspecting "fans" worldwide. Reports in the past have even claimed that some of these games were even pre-arranged! While the "fans" are fantasising about their handsome hunks and/or cheering for thier heroes, those behind the scene are laughing all their way into the bank. Bookies (related to legal and illegal gambling), club owners, TV stations, businessmen, media agemcies, advertisers, etc. are some of these people I meant. Oh ya, don't forget about the players, managers, coaches themselves who earn millions and millions a year while the rest of the people around the world suffer. To me, these are not sports. I repeat, these are not sports but merely organised activities to make money! This is totally rubbish, I must say.
I used to love watching football on the TV and even stadium in my younger days but no longer anymore today. I've lost faith in the system, and interest in the game itself. I do play a lot of foodball in the old days, having even represent the school at my peak period. I do know the pain and joy about the game in its simplest form, and I appreciate every moment of it. In fact, it is the many sports activities that I involved in my younger days that mould some of value systems today. Thank goodness...
To those Man U fans. Go buy a ball at the nearest store today, form your own teams and start play. Appreciate sports in its true value and spirit. I'm NOT talking about futsal anyway, which is also another type of rubbish!
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