Racist comments made by an elderly statesman in his blog recently are not the only worrying issue here. The equally flammable comments and opinion as posted by hundreds of his hardcore fans who share the same narrow view of this old fox actually sent chill down my spine.
They see him as a fatherly figure and would even address him as ‘Ayahanda’. They would seek “advice” and opinion from him, and would agree to every single view that the old fox would offer them, even if he were to tell them that the moon is square. What they don't know is the old fox is already getting senile (nyayuk) and pass him prime though he's still desperately seeking attention, like a rebelious child throwing tantrum all the time.
To this group of people, the only reason why their community is relatively “backward” in many areas is because other races took advantage of them. They blame and generalise the 26% as “penipu”, selling liquor and “empat ekor”, involved in vice activities like prostitution and “Ah Long” business, etc.
The 26% become rich because they are not honest and cannot be trusted. For the handful of hardworking and honest 26%, they should “thank” and “show gratitude” to their “master” by not complaining or demanding too much.
They also wrote ridiculous comments about the little-country-down-south and how they “mistreat” the minority there with twisted facts and/or quoting some fiery statement from selected “deprived” individuals. They warned that Malaysia should not allow itself to become another little-country-down-south because of obvious reasons.
The little-country-down-south is also an "apostate" country which is full of “maksiat”, “injustice”, “immoral activities” and etc. Hence, the readers want other readers and others in their community to be cautious against the 26% who is also their fellow countrymen. The “enemy” is within the country, not from outside. To me, the enemy is inside their corrupted mind rather than anything else.
In essence, they would blame the whole world for any of their shortcoming except themselves. I believe there are many who share their narrow view because they do not read Malaysiakini or views from other “opposing” source. They only read and listen the mainstream media and would start to propagate their view and influence others.
Sad to say, some of the 26% I know also share the same view and would support that senile fox in whatever he said or did in the last 22 years. In fact, some of the 26% I know also believe that Ah Hock actually committed suicide rather than because of some other yet-to-be-known reasons!